Powerwash system

Saving energy in power washing systems

Powerwash systems have proven themselves for cleaning and pre-treatment of plastic parts. In these, the plastic parts are treated with an aqueous cleaning solution at temperatures of usually 45 to 70 °C by means of spray cleaning. A large proportion of the energy is required to heat process baths!

The relatively high temperatures are necessary to remove the soiling and keep the baths low-foaming. A considerable amount of energy is required to heat up the cleaning bath and keep it at process temperature! Reducing the bath temperatures can lead to high energy savings in the pre-treatment process.

With our Divinol spray cleaner, we have developed a process-stable cleaner that achieves the required surface cleanliness at reduced bath temperatures!


  • Very good cleaning behavior of plastics
  • Reduction of the bath temperature to room temperature
  • Low foaming
  • High biostability
  • Low evaporation losses and thus reduction in fresh water consumption
  • Reduction in machine start-up times, as the lead time for heating up is eliminated.
  • Service and cleaning activities can be carried out more quickly, as there is no need to wait for cooling times


  • Divinol Low Temperature Spray Cleaner
  • Divinol Quick-Rinse – for regulating the run-off behavior of water from plastic surfaces

Information material

Our brochure in digital form.